Sitemap - 2024 - Marketing & PR for Indie Films, Creatives & Small Businesses

Let's Talk About... Lean Back Content and What that Means, Plus an Offer to Chat for Those Who Were Just Hit by the Layoffs: The Women & Men In the Arena Who Dare to Fail Greatly, This is For You.

Let's Talk About... There Are No Cheat Codes in Filmmaking. PLUS: Do You REALLY Need a Website for Your Film? And if so, what platform do you choose?

Let's Talk About... Falling for the Trap of the Minimum Guarantee. Plus: DARUMA Got Us Invited to the White House

"Cinema is in a bad way." What this means for indie filmmakers and expounding on my philosophy of going where you're wanted. Plus: I'm speaking at Gotham Week Oct 2nd in NYC. Join us!

Let's Talk About... The Importance of Regional Film Festivals. PLUS: My Film DARUMA is Coming to Theaters & VOD this fall. I'll be documenting the marketing/PR campaign in real time so follow along.

Let's Talk About: What Some Basic PR Terms Mean, Plus Why You Need to be Using Way Back Machine.

Let's Talk About... Pitching Your Film To Distributors Via a Cold Email, or a Cold Query + A List of Domestic Distributors. BONUS FREEBIE: send me the links to your films to promote them here!

A List of All the Film Festivals + Deadlines Now Through The End of The Year + 2025

Let's Talk About... Paying Distributors in Advance (And the ONLY time that should happen: ie Service Deals)

Let's Talk About... How to Get a Certified FRESH Rating on Rotten Tomatoes

Let's Talk About... Twenty Things to Ask Your Distribution Partner

Film Marketing + Distribution Panelist Submissions (Deadline July 19, 2024)

Film Soup: How to Get Anything in Hollywood Made as an Indie Filmmaker.

Let's Talk About... Film Festival Awards

Let's Talk About... How to Spot PR Scams (which are shockingly similar to distribution scams) Before You Get Taken for a Ride. Time for a Little Media Literacy Lesson.

Let's Talk About... Press Releases and Why They Don't Work

How We Launched a Successful VOD Release for an LGBTQI+ Indie Film from New Zealand w/an Integrated Marketing & PR Plan

We "cannot in good conscience encourage you to pursue our profession". Breaking down this statement from the Art Director's Guild & embracing the thought that one day no one will want to make films.

Let's Talk About... Social Media For Your Indie Film

The End of an Era: Slamdance Moves to Los Angeles

Let's Talk About... Your Most Valuable Asset for Your Indie Film & Making it Work For You

What in the World is Going on with Film Festivals at the Moment & What "Survive 'Til 25" Really Means For Independent Filmmakers Who Have, Let's Face it, Always Been Forging Their Own Paths.

Let's Talk About... Rotten Tomato Reviews for Independent Films

I've worked as a screener for a number of film festivals (and screenplay competitions!). Here's what makes or breaks my choosing your film to go through to the next round.

When do you pitch the media for your film?

"We just made a movie." Yeah... and it's not enough. Sorry. What to do with this crushing realization and how to turn things around.

Celebrating A Personal Win + How Long it REALLY Takes to Get Good PR for Your Film

"This was next level." What a client of mine said of a recent session with me.

Formatting for the Barbie Script: How Did They Format So Many Characters with the SAME Name?

Scripts from the BlackList & a secret to getting on it.

Another film distributor falls: 1091 was bought by The Orchard which was bought by Chicken Soup for the Soul which has created chaos and misery for indie filmmakers owed thousands they'll never get.