All the Film Festival Deadlines & Links You Need In 2024: My Gift To You, Filmmakers.
I've prepared the list of deadlines for film festivals in 2024 to make your submissions experience as easy as possible. All I ask in return is that you share this link and sign up to my Substack.
I cannot be the only one happy to see the backside of 2023… between the strikes and other struggles filmmakers and creatives have faced this year, the dismal state of indie film distribution EVEN IF YOU GET INTO SUNDANCE and more, there seems little to be optimistic about.
But if you’re anything like me… which I dare say you might be, if you have kept up with me for this long, you stubborn beast, then you are going to hold on to your dream and be damned any obstacle in your way.
Good. Tally ho.
Let’s go forth and please enjoy my little present to you all… a spreadsheet with ALL the festivals worth entering and their Film Freeway links on it so that you do not have to hunt for any info.
And organized by date. Because I know you guys just LOVE doing your own spreadsheets.
Happy? Thankful? You’re welcome. Do me a favor by sharing this far and wide.
Here’s the link to the spreadsheet. Share it. Post it. Be a mensch.
Didn’t see a fest on here? It’s prolly left off for a reason.
Go into the New Year with more knowledge and power than the previous year. That’s all I ask.
And if you want to chat with me about your film in 2024, you know where to find me.
See you all in Park City in January. YAY!